What we stand for can be summed up in three words: sisterhood, solidarity, service.
The Fabian Women’s Network (FWN) is the women’s section of the Fabian Society.
Founded by Labour MP Seema Malhotra in 2005, we have over 2000 members across the UK. Women of all ages, and all levels of experience, are welcome, and we are run by a committee of elected volunteers. Scroll down to read about our mission, vision, and values.
We work to ensure that diverse women’s voices are influential in politics, public life and policy making
Our Mission
Fabian Women’s Network exists to ensure that diverse women’s voices are influential in politics, public life and policy making. All of its work is underpinned by values of sisterhood, solidarity and service. FWN is run by a committee of elected volunteers and has no paid staff.
FWN aims to be an intersectional feminist network. This means it understands the barriers women face when entering and progressing in politics and public life are not the same for everyone, with some women facing multiple and intersecting layers of discrimination. FWN works to elevate a range of voices and promote those in political and public life who are under-represented.
Our network is designed to promote true sisterhood. We mentor, connect, educate and empower sisters across the Labour movement to enable women to serve each other and their communities effectively, recognising the importance and power of collective endeavour.
We primarily do this through our yearly mentoring scheme, designed to help women develop their political skills and increase the impact and influence they have on political and public life. The scheme launched in 2011 and over 200 women have now completed the scheme, across eight cohorts.
Our policy work encompasses a wide range of topics from economics, foreign policy, artificial intelligence; not just topics some traditionally associate with women. We include experts by experience in our work and platform unusual voices to enrich the policy landscape, driving forward the debate and influencing the Labour movement and policy on key issues of the day.
We are a membership organisation. A volunteer-led sister network to The Fabian Society, governed by an elected committee, with officers and a constitution.
To many, Fabian Women’s Network is a lifeline to women in politics and public life, shaping policy on the left. Join us today.
To donate to the Fabian Women’s Network, via the Fabian Society website, please click here.

Our Vision and Values
To create a dynamic network of politically engaged women, nationwide, that is representative of our communities, underpinned by our values of sisterhood, solidarity and service.
To create anti-racist, intersectional spaces where these values are active and are the foundation of all our work. To create spaces where all women are supported; where women can reflect, connect with others and flourish.
To do the work needed to ethically dismantle the racist and patriarchal structures that make it hard for Black women, women of colour and minoritised women to excel in politics and public life.
To provide prescient policy insights to the shadow front bench, regional and local government based on the lived experience, expertise and research of our members.
Sisterhood: creating space for and elevating the voices of those women given the least space to be heard. Working collectively to support and enable each other in our goals.
Solidarity: that we identify and name hidden power dynamics, then stand alongside and take action with women to address these. We lead by example.
Service: that we look to serve other women’s goals, dreams and visions first, seeking the good of the whole community. We can only thrive as individual women if all women are able to thrive.