Thank you for your interest in FWN’s Stand up and be Counted: be a Councillor booklet, produced in conjunction with the LGA Labour Group. It is a compilation of contributions from brilliant Fabian women nationwide, edited by Abena Oppong-Asare MP and Cllr Sara Hyde.
Although the Labour Party leads the way on gender equality in politics and our Parliamentary Labour Party has over 50% women for the first time in its history, women make up around 40% of Labour councillors. Even more problematically, only around 20% of Labour council leaders are women. These statistics are the driving force behind this popular publication: a practical, easy to navigate guide to help answer your questions, explain the process and to encourage you to use your gifts and talents to serve your community. Everyone misses out when our democracy doesn’t reflect the communities it seeks to represent.
Now in its second edition, you can order hard copies here or it is available to download as a PDF below. If you would like to hold an event to encourage more diverse women to apply to the panel to become a councillor in your local area, please get in touch. We can attempt provide a speaker from FWN, hard copies of the booklet and in some cases a micro-grant to put towards room hire or refreshments.
So, stop hiding your light under a bushel, ignore the naysayers and stand up and be counted: be a councillor!