FWN North was re-established in May 2020 to create an opportunity for sisters to support each other and create policy solutions that were particularly pertinent to people living across the North of England. It is co-convened by Cllr Abigail Marshall Katung and Dr Sarah Hutchinson.
Following an election defeat in 2019 where the Labour Party lost key seats in the North East, the North West, and Yorkshire and Humber, it felt more pressing than ever for FWN to focus some of its work specifically on this part of the country. As ever, our aims are twofold - to encourage into and support diverse women in politics, and to provide unique policy insights based on our network’s lived experience and research.
We are just establishing ourselves as FWN North. We have run a few events and have the support of a wide number of local government leaders, MPs, former MPs and activists across the North of England. We are currently run by an informal steering group and are keen to hear from any women who would like to be more involved.